Thursday 22 November 2018

Self Portrait

The best images to use on our posts are ones we have created ourselves or our own photos. We have been using Google Drawing to create our own and have learnt how to use new tools to make a self portrait.
We took a selfie and had to make sure we had our head and shoulders in the picture before we fitted it to the page.
Next we used the polyline tool to draw around our face because it is the only line tool that you can colour in.
This was tricky because it could not do my hair without making it look like a boy.
Next we had to match our skin colour and then we went into the custom tool so we could make our fill transparent.
We used the magnifying tool so we could see what we were copying underneath.
I’m happy with the way my eyes looks on my self portrait because I did all the parts on my eyes..
I will have to work on using polyline because it was quite hard.
Thank you for reading my blog post. Have you ever tried to draw your own self portrait? If not, I hope you will have a go and share your effort with me.